

摘要:是否做博士后?如何寻找、申请及选择博士后职位,这位美国神经科学家给出了建议和答案。知识人网小编采用双语对照的形式分别叙述。本篇为申请篇 。

是否做博士后?如何寻找、申请及选择博士后职位,这位美国神经科学家给出了建议和答案。知识人网小编采用双语对照的形式分别叙述。本篇为申请篇 。

IV. First Contact


You've trimmed your list down to a shortlist, and now it's time to contact the PIs on your list. If your current mentor or others in your network have a relationship with a PI you're interested in, you might opt for asking them to send an introductory email connecting you to the prospective PI. In my case, I opted to reach out myself to everyone on my list. Also in my case, every PI was someone who's never met me or engaged with my work before (to my knowledge). So, it was cold email time. Unfortunately, there isn't much guidance out there for how to establish contact and what to include in the first email. Some PIs do mention on their website how to reach out (i.e., should you include a cover letter, CV, names of references, etc.), and if you see that you may choose to follow those instructions. Ironically, in my case I didn't check if the PIs had guidance on their sites and just sent the cold email, but later found out that they had guidelines on their website. So, it might not actually matter? Unclear, *shrugs*.


Below is an example of a cold email I sent to a PI I was interested in. I used this same structure (while changing content of course) for all five of the PIs I wrote, and received responses from all five. With the three of those whom I moved forward with, we scheduled informal interviews (chats, really) before going further. I know some people have subject line paralysis, so if it helps my subject line for this was a simple "Inquiry about postdoctoral position". This was sent Nov 2020. (click image to enlarge).


I never submitted a cover letter when contacting a PI about potentially doing a postdoc with them. But I do know some people like to do that, and some PIs even expect it. If it helps, the general structure of the inquiry email above can double as a cover letter too. Also note that your email can totally be shorter than this one, but I would definitely avoid going longer. If you don't get a reply to your cold email, that's fine; it happens. After 10 business days, send a follow up. You can also ask someone you know who is connected to the PI you're trying to reach to nudge them to check their inbox. Whatever you do, don't take a no-response personally. If the PI is interested, the next step will probably be an informal zoom interview or going straight to an in-person visit.


V. What When


When should you start building your postdoc list? When should you begin to reach out to people? Do you need to have published X number of first author papers before reaching out? What about coauthored papers?


These questions are not unusual and are in fact a common source of stress and anxiety for senior graduate students. I honestly believe that there isn't a correct timeline for searching for a postdoc lab. There are too many variables for there to be one correct way. That said, there are things that you can control timeline-wise, so let's talk about it a little. I'll use the questions above to frame these points.


(Note: considerations for timeline also include whether or not you will be doing virtual interviews or in-person visits. I interviewed in a pandemic, so it was all virtual. It sucked because I prefer in-person interactions, but it was useful in that it took up way less time that if I had to fly to multiple cities)


When should you start building your postdoc list?


There cannot be a time that is too early, but there can be a time that is late. Throughout your PhD, take note of papers that blow you away, PIs or postdocs you hit it off with at conferences, or questions that you came across and thought "I would love to do this next". All of this will be useful to you when it comes time to build an actual list. If you know a rough date by which you plan to start a postdoc position, I recommend starting to build your prospective lab list at least 9 months before, preferably one year before. For reference, I was aiming for a July start date, and began building postdoc list in September the year before.


When should you begin to reach out to people?


Again, depends on whether visits and interviews will be virtual or in-person. I recommend reaching out to your shortlist as soon as you have it honestly. As long as you articulate your intended start dates, there is no such thing as starting the conversation too early. I could be wrong here, but I just don't see a downside. Also keep in mind that you may have to revise your shortlist if you don't get positive responses from the labs you want, so having a cushion of time helps. For reference, I was aiming for a July start date, and began reaching out to labs in late November the year before.


Do you need to have published X number of first author papers before reaching out? What about coauthored papers?


There is no rigid rule here. It really is up to the PI you're talking to and the status of your manuscript. Some dissertation papers take longer to come together than others, some people publish 3 first authors in their PhD and some publish one. It's so variable that it just comes down to communication. If you don't have a publication yet, but have a paper in the pipeline, let the PI know in your email and include it in your CV as "in prep". If it's ready to be posted on a preprint server like bioRxiv, work with your current mentor on posting it and getting the work out there.
