上海科技大学iHuman研究所Garth Thompson研究组2019年8月招聘2名多模态磁共振成像方向博士后
Dr. Garth Thompson’s Lab at ShanghaiTech University is seeking a postdoctoral researcher in multimodal MRI. Our research focuses on understanding how neuromodulation and brain metabolism impact the whole brain’s function. However to understand this, we must integrate studies both between animals and human subjects, and also between MRI and other modalities such as positron emission tomography (PET), multifrequency electrophysiology, optical imaging, etc.
上海科技大学iHuman 研究所Garth Thompson 博士课题组招收多模态磁共振成像领域博士后研究员,研究方向致力于了解神经调节与脑代谢对全脑功能产生影响的机制。研究对象将涵盖动物与人类志愿者,研究策略将整合磁共振成像(MRI)与包括正电子发射断层成像(PET)、多频电生理与光学影像等在内的多种手段。
Successful candidates will develop novel experimental protocols and data analysis techniques which can allow scientists to link molecular and cellular knowledge to measurements on a whole-brain level. In addition, working with collaborators at the iHuman Institute and local hospitals, we can guide drug and treatment development through a better understanding of disease mechanisms.
成功入选的博士后研究员将参与开法新的实验方案和数据分析技术,使科学家能够将分子和细胞领域的知识与全脑水平的测量结果相关联。 此外,通过与iHuman 研究所和当地医院的合作者合作,将更好地了解疾病的内在机制以指导药物和治疗方法的发展。
This position is open-ended based on the interests of qualified candidates. A high degree of independence is expected and encouraged.
The systems we are currently using include the Bruker 9.4T MRI at the Shanghai Institute of Neuroscience and the 11.7T MRI at Fudan Zhangjiang Campus in collaboration with local professors, and the 3T Siemens Biograph mMR PET/fMRI at Ruijin hospital in collaboration with a local doctor. By the end of 2019, one human MRI and one animal PET/MRI will be installed on the ShanghaiTech campus as well.
当前研究设备主要包括:Bruker 9.4T MRI(中国科学院上海神经科学研究所,与课题组合作)、Bruker 11.7T MRI(复旦大学张江校区,与课题组合作)、Siemens 3T mMR PET/fMRI(瑞金医院,与科室合作)等。上海科技大学将于2019 年底前装备一台用于人体成像的MRI 设备以及一台用于动物成像的PET/MRI 设备。
岗位名称: 博士后岗位
1. Design and conduct rodent MRI experiments including multi-modal (e.g. PET,electrophysiology, two-photon, optical imaging, and histology) components.
2. Link rodent MRI results to human clinical MRI results. This will also include human multimodal MRI (especially MRI+PET).
3. Data analysis on both self-collected and shared database data.
4. Present results in scientific papers and conferences.
1. 设计并开展针对啮齿类动物的多模态(如电生理、双光子成像、光学影像于组织成像等)磁共振成像实验;
2. 将啮齿类动物磁共振影像与人类临床磁共振影像进行关联研究,并开展针对人类的以MRI+PET为代表的多模态磁共振研究;
3. 对实验获得及共享数据库中的数据进行分析;
4. 在科研期刊与会议中展示研究成果。
1. PhD with graduate-level experience relevant to MRI
2. Publication record in peer-reviewed journals is required. Published work in preclinical MRI will be preferred. Candidates with strong evidence of collaboration across multiple fields will be preferred.
3. Successful candidates must be proficient in English communication, and are expected to author, co-author, review, and edit English-language research manuscripts.
1. 已获得与MRI 相关的博士学位;
2. 在同行评审的期刊上发表过文章。发表的文章是在临床前核磁共振成像方面的工作将是首选,更青睐具有跨多个领域协作能力的候选人;
3. 精通英语,能与作者、合著者评议并编辑研究论文。
Submit a cover letter, CV, and the names and addresses of three individuals who can serve as references to the mail addresses given below: ShanghaiTech University, 100 Haike Road, Pudong, Shanghai 200031, China Email: iHuman@shanghaitech.edu.cn (please also copy gthompson@shanghaitech.edu.cn and contact@garththompson.com )
请将简历、申请信和三位推荐人的联系方式提交至以下邮箱:iHuman@shanghaitech.edu.cn,并抄送:gthompson@shanghaitech.edu.cn,以及 contact@garththompson.com,邮件标题注明:应聘博士后+本人姓名。同时请应聘者通过人才招聘系统(http://jobs.shanghaitech.edu.cn/)提交应聘申请。
Review of applications will start immediately and will continue until the position is filled. For more information, please visit our website: ihuman.shanghaitech.edu.cn Other job postings can be found here: English: http://jobs.shanghaitech.edu.cn/Jobs_english/list.htm 中文: http://jobs.shanghaitech.edu.cn/
申请从即日起有效, 直至岗位招满为止。获取更多信息, 请访问研究所网站:ihuman.shagnhaitech.edu.cn,其中亦包括其他招聘信息。