



新加坡科技设计大学(Singapore University of Technology and Design,简称SUTD),是继新加坡国立大学,新加坡南洋理工大学, 新加坡管理大学后,新加坡设立的第四所公立大学。新加坡科技设计大学(新科大)创校校长为麻省理工学院工学院院长的托马斯.L.马尼安提(Thomas L. Magnanti)教授。创校之初与美国麻省理工学院深度合作,学校教职工由麻省理工代为面试、招聘,所有教职工在授课之前会在麻省理工学院进行1年的培训。同时与麻省理工学院在学科建设,本科生交流,SUTD-MIT双硕士培养,以及SUTD-MIT联合博士培养等有着全方面合作。此外新科大也与中国顶尖大学浙江大学, 美国顶尖大学加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校合作,让大学成为东西方科技融会的枢纽。新科大在2012年5月初正式开学,是世界上第一所集设计创新于研究与工程中的大学。

Research Fellow in Complex Systems

Singapore University of Technology & Design

With increasing focus on critical phenomena in network sciences, the Complex Systems Science group of SUTD is interested in investigating interesting and unique critical phenomena in computer network. We are seeking a Research Fellow with interest and expertise in game theory and computer networks. The candidate will be responsible for developing a model for sending information in complex networks and innovate means of expediting information spread. The candidate will also need to independently design and execute numerical experiments, troubleshoot issues, interpret results and give project updates. We provide a highly competitive remuneration package that commensurate with the qualifications and relevant experience of the successful candidate. The candidate will also be supported in their career development in different areas like research, industry and consulting. To apply, please send your CV and contact details of two referees directly to Dr CHEONG Kang Hao (kanghaocheong@sutd.edu.sg ). Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


- Applicants should possess a PhD degree in Math, Computer Science, Physical Sciences or Engineering

- The focus of this research fellow position will be fairly broad, including but not limited to creativity in innovating and modelling, and ability to conduct independent research.

- Good publication records

Applications close: 28 Apr 2023 Singapore Standard Time
