



索尔克生物研究所(Salk Institute for Biological Studies):美国加州南部拉霍亚的一个独立非营利科学研究机构,是美国生命科学领域成果最多、质量最高的研究机构之一。

Postdoctoral Fellow Laboratories of Rusty Gage, Lyle Muller, and John Reynolds


The Salk Institute


La Jolla, California 92037



Closing date

Sep 8, 2024

Job Summary

The Gage, Muller, and Reynolds laboratories are seeking a postdoctoral researcher who is passionate about making breakthroughs into how the brain encodes and triggers the readout of spatiotemporally rich memories. This position, at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with three distinguished principal investigators, each bringing complementary expertise to the project.

Rusty Gage is a renowned professor of neuroscience at the Salk Institute, widely recognized for his pioneering work in stem cell research and neurobiology. His lab has been at the forefront of developing and applying cutting-edge technologies to study the human brain, particularly in the areas of iPSC-derived neural models and directly-induced neurons.

Lyle Muller is a theoretical neuroscientist specializing in neuroscience, computational modeling, and applied mathematics. As a professor of mathematics at Western University and co-founder of the Fields Lab for Network Science at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Dr. Muller develops innovative approaches to analyze and model large-scale neural population dynamics.

John Reynolds is a professor of neuroscience at the Salk Institute, dedicated to understanding the neural mechanisms underlying vision, perception, and conscious awareness. His laboratory develops models to explain these processes and uses cutting-edge techniques, such as optogenetics, to test these models.


The ideal candidate should be collegial, creative, and deeply interested in neuroscience. While we will provide comprehensive training in all necessary areas, expertise in specific domains such as electrophysiology, computational neuroscience, or cell culture techniques—including the derivation of neurons from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)—would be advantageous.


Ph.D. or equivalent degree in neuroscience

One or more first-author peer-reviewed publications

Application Process

Interested candidates should submit their CV, a brief statement of research interests, and a list of three references via the link below.
