



剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),简称“剑桥”,是一所坐落于英国剑桥郡剑桥市采用传统学院制的顶尖研究型大学。学校是罗素大学集团、全球大学校长论坛、全球大学高研院联盟、国际应用科技开发协作网、剑桥大学医疗伙伴联盟成员,衍育了科技聚集地“硅沼(Silicon Fen)”,被誉为“金三角名校”、“G5大学”。

Postdoctoral Research Scientist (Human Developmental Epigenetics)

Babraham Institute

Location: Cambridge

Salary:    £37,364 to £44,614 Starting salary per annum (depending on experience)

Hours:    Full Time

Contract Type:      Fixed-Term/Contract

Placed On:     10th December 2024

Closes:    5th January 2025

Peter Rugg-Gunn’s team at the Babraham Institute are looking to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Scientist to investigate the dynamics and mechansisms of epigenetic programming during post-implantation development of human embryos.

We have recently developed exciting new technologies in culturing human embryos and embryo-like ‘blastoid’ models up to and beyond implantation, and have also established novel single-cell multi-omics sequencing methods, which together open up new opportunities to directly study the remarkable epigenetic that occur during this crucial period of development. Based on studies in model organisms, we predict there will be widespread changes in the abundance and distribution of multiple histone modifications between days 7 and 14 of human embryo development. However, precisely when do those changes occur, whether they occur in all lineages at the same rate, and what are the key molecular drivers of these changes all remain uncharted in humans. Defining these processes will deliver a step change in our molecular understanding of human development, including epigenetic and gene regulatory mechanisms, with important applications to reproductive health, stem cell biology and regenerative medicine.

In this project, you will use the new methods that we have developed to uncover the lineage-resolved dynamics of histone modification changes in post-implantion stage human embryos. You will also compare epigenetic programming between embryos and blastoids. We are particularly interested in histone modification pathways that impact on gene regulatory control and priming mechanisms in embryogenesis. Promising mechanistic leads will be tested using gain- and loss-of-function experiments in embryo models.

This is a limited term appointment with funding for this post available for a period of three years.

Closing date for applications is Sunday, 5th January 2025.

However, we reserve the right to close the vacancy early depending on the volume of applications received.

For further details about this position or to apply online please click on the ‘Apply’ button above.

For more information on the work of the group, please visit here.

The Babraham Institute welcomes applications from all sections of society.

Applicants must hold a PhD or have their thesis submitted when commencing the post. Please note that you will be appointed on the starting salary of £34,500 per annum, if you have not yet been awarded your PhD.  All newly appointed postdocs will commence on the scale point that reflects the number of years' post-PhD experience they hold on 30th June in the calendar year they commence employment.
