
访问学者博士后如何在国外银行开户?(OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT)





  If you are planning to go abroad to work as a visiting scholar or a post-doc, it is very likely that you may need to open a bank account in the country you have chosen for you academic visit. Opening a bank account will enable you to use local debit cards, make and receive transfers and of course withdraw money. It will make your life easier in terms of convenience, especially if you are planning to stay a considerable amount of time abroad.


  Which bank should I choose?  选择哪一个银行开户呢?

  Select your bank wisely. You should select a bank that:


  v  Is accepted by the institution you work for. 您所工作的机构认可的银行卡。

  v  Is accepted by your medical insurance. 医保认可的银行卡。

  v  Has offices all over the country. 全国都有办公点的银行。

  v  Is reliable and well-known. 可靠且大众熟知的银行。

  v  Pays good interest rates.   高利率的银行。

  For your reference, these are the Top 6 Largest Banks in the U.S.:


  Bank of America 美国银行

  J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. 摩根大通商业银行

  Citigroup 花旗银行

  Wells Fargo & Co. 富国银行

  Goldman Sachs 高盛投资银行

  Morgan Stanley摩根士丹利银行

  How to open a Bank Account? 怎么开通银行账户?

  Check the Bank’s Official Website 银行官方网站查询

  v  Check the bank’s website for the requirements for opening a bank account to prepare the documentation beforehand.

  v  查询银行官方网站开户材料要求,提交前认真准备所需要的材料。

  v  Select the nearest branch and check their work time.

  v  选择离您最近的银行分行,并确认该银行的工作时间。

  v  Check the minimum amount of cash you should take with you in order to open the bank account. (This money will be deposited on your new bank account when you opened it.)

  v  确认好开户所需要的最低储蓄现金额。(这笔钱通常在新开户的时候需要储存进银行账户中。)

  Bank Teller 银行柜员

  v  Get a number to talk to a bank teller in order to open your bank account.

  v  开户前,取号等候银行柜员呼叫办理业务。

  v  You will need to provide a valid ID (in the case of foreigners it is your Passport).

  v  准备好您的身份证(外籍人员需准备好自己的护照)

  v  In order to open a bank account you may need to provide Utility Bills for the bank to verify your address, such as: Electricity bill, Water bill, Gas bill, Internet bill, Cable bill, Signed lease agreement, etc.

  v  开户前,您可能需要向银行提供有效的物业账单以证明您的居住地,例如:电费单、水费单、燃气费账单、网费账单、有线电视费用单、签字的房屋租赁合同等。

  v  If in the future, after you have already opened your bank account and got your bank card, you need to go to the bank, you will need to provide your bank card and a valid ID in order to get a number.

  v  您开户成功拿到银行卡后,如果以后去银行办业务,您需要提供您的银行卡和有效身份证件才能取得业务办理号码。

  Select which type of Bank Account you want 选择银行账户类型

Checking Account:


  v  It is used for everyday spending.  用于每天刷卡消费使用。

  v  You can get a debit card. 您可以拿到一张借记卡。

  v  You can also eventually apply for a credit card and to write checks with this type of account. 您最后也可以申请一张信用卡,然后用这个银行账户来开支票。

  Savings Account:


  v  It has a higher interest rate (depending on the type of savings model).

  v  利率高(取决于储蓄账户的类型)。

  v  There may be some restrictions as to how much money you can withdraw monthly.

  v  每月能取现金额度有限。

  v  You can get a debit card.

  v  您可以拿到一张借记卡。

  Activate your Bank Card 激活您的银行卡

  v  Open carefully the closed envelope in which your Bank Card comes.

  v  您收到银行卡后,小心拆开邮寄的信封。

  v  Inside there will be a temporary password.

  v  拆开信封后您会发现一个可用的临时密码。

  v  Go to an ATM and use this temporary password, afterwards the ATM will immediately ask you to create your own password.

  v  去自动取款机输入临时密码,然后机器会提醒您马上输入新密码。

  v  Input your new password and remember it. From that moment forward you should use only that password.

  v  输入并牢记新密码。从这以后,您将一直使用您的新密码。

  That’s it! You are ready to start using your bank account and bank card. Remember to keep your card on a safe place and to never share your password with other people.
