

摘要:对话实录|医学临床观摩(CLINICAL OBSERVATION) 如果您在国外的医院做博士后或者访问学者,且您的导师是临床医生,则有机会申请安排临床观摩活动。今天知识人网分享一段外方邀请导师与访问学者关于临床观摩的对话,供大家了解参考。




  If you are working abroad as a post-doc or a visiting scholar in a hospital, based on your experience and personal goals you may be considering doing clinical observation during your academic visit. Certain institutions and their corresponding host professors, offer its visitors the possibility of doing both research in the laboratory and some clinical observation as well. This will depend on their requirements and work-schedules.


  What is a “Clinical Observation/Shadowing”?


  Foreign visitors can observe the clinical care of patients and gain a basic overview of the Medical System in the country they have selected for their visit. Clinical observation let visitors participate as observers, “shadowing” (following) faculty mentors and other physicians in inpatient and outpatient settings.




  A: Dr. James Randall – Host Professor 詹姆斯·兰达尔博士 -  接收方教授

  B: Dr. Anna Liu – Academic Visitor 刘安娜教授 – 访问学者

  A: So… Anna, now that you are more familiar with our procedures in the lab and the hospital facilities, I wanted to talk to you about your work schedule. As you already know, your work will be divided into 2 activities: working here in the laboratory with my team, and doing clinical observation shadowing other physicians.


  B: Yes, I’m indeed more familiar with the hospital and the research procedures, thank you for your help explaining everything to me. And, yes… During our online interview we talked about it. You mentioned that most of the time you need me working in the laboratory, as the research is our top priority.


  A: Yes, that’s right. Basically, 80% of the time you will need to be working in the lab with my research team. As for the clinical observation, I have talked to the director of the Cardiovascular Department. The remaining 20% of the time you will be shadowing physicians during their wards rotations to observe clinical Cardiovascular care of patients and also Internal Medicine grand rounds.


  B:I see. My main goal is to develop research and publish a high quality paper. However, I would also benefit from doing clinical observation, especially to help me get familiar with the latest techniques and technology used here in the US. I would like to apply the knowledge I’ll obtain here when I return to China. Thank you for this opportunity.


  A: Of course, I completely understand. I also believe it will be fruitful for you to get a general exposure to the American Medical System. I will send you an email with your weekly schedule and I’ll CC the physician you will be shadowing next Tuesday -- Dr. Sarah Williams --. So after you get my email, contact her and arrange your time accordingly.


  B: Ok. Will do. Thanks again.

  B: 好的,我会的。再次感谢。

  A: You’re welcome.
