



Competition For A Postdoctoral Researcher At Independent Unit Of Tissue Engineering And...

Universities And Institutes Of Poland

Organisation/Company: Medical University of Lublin

Research Field: Medical sciences › Medicine

Researcher Profile: Leading Researcher (R4)

Application Deadline: 01/08/2022 21:00 - Europe/Athens

Location: Poland › Lublin

Type Of Contract: To be defined

Job Status: Full-time

Hours Per Week: 40

Offer Starting Date: 01/09/2022

Reference Number: ABC-1234b-DE

Is The Job Related To Staff Position Within A Research Infrastructure?: Yes

The Dean of the Faculty of Biomedicine of Medical University of Lublin announces a competition for the full-time post of a postdoctoral researcher at the Independent Unit of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. The position is part of the project “Antioxidative, electroactive and biocidal self-adhesive wound dressings”, financed by the NCN (National Science Centre).


Full-time employment contract planned for a period of 26 months

Planned starting date: September/October – to be agreed with the candidate

salary level: 10.000 PLN per month gross-gross (total cost of the employer).

Eligibility criteria

The list of necessary documents required from the candidates: Request addressed to the Dean; C.V. (form); Personal questionnaire for a person applying for employment; Information clause and statement of the processing of personal date; The statement of the absence of direct reporting line; The statement of no criminal record; Certified copy of a doctor's diploma awarded by another institution than the one planned to employ the candidate at this post. The abovementioned documents issued in a foreign language other than English should be translated into English or Polish. Interested persons are invited to send the abovementioned documents by post to Dean's Office of Faculty of Biomedicine at the Medical University, Chodźki 7 Street, 20-093 Lublin and via e-mail to: dziekanat.biomedyczny@umlub.pl to August 1, 2022

Selection process

The best candidates will be invited for about 20-minute job interview. If more than one candidate meets the competition requirements, the Recruitment Committee may decide to recommend a candidate from the second position on the ranking list for candidates meeting the competition requirements, in case the chosen candidate resigns from establishing an employment relationship. It is allowed to conclude the assessment process without selecting a candidate. Contact person: Joanna Adamek, dziekanat.biomedyczny@umlub.pl and Paulina Kazimierczak, PhD, paulina.kazimierczak@umlub.pl

Additional comments

The competition is in accordance with the rules defined by the National Science Centre for post-doc positions within OPUS 20 + LAP project (https: // www. ncn.gov.pl/sites/default/files/pliki/uchwaly- rady/2020/uchwala952020-zal1ang.pdf). Full-time remuneration for a post- doc may be funded provided that the person to be employed at the post meets the following conditions: Their PhD degree has been awarded by another institution than the one planned to employ them at this post. At the time of receiving remuneration, they will not be receiving any other remuneration paid from the funds granted to research projects under NCN calls under the heading of direct costs. In the period of receiving the remuneration they will be receiving no remuneration from another employer pursuant to an employment contract, including an employer with registered office outside of Poland.

Required Research Experiences


Medical sciences › Medicine


4 - 10

Offer Requirements


Medical sciences: PhD or equivalent




PhD in biomedicine, biotechnology, materials science or related fields at the time of signing the employment contract, obtained not earlier than 7 years before the year of employment in the project (possible extension of this period according to NCN regulations 2.1.1. of the Annex to NCN Council Resolution No 95/2020 of 14 September 2020 amending the Regulations on awarding funding for research tasks funded by the National Science Centre as regards research projects), awarded by another institution than the one planned to employ the candidate at this post. Good practical and theoretical knowledge on cell- or tissue-culture protocols, gene expression analyses (qRT-PCR), ELISAs, and immunofluorescence staining. Skills in confocal imaging or ATR-FTIR analysis are considered as strong assets. Scientific achievements in the form of the articles in JCR journals (IF > 7). Fluency in spoken and written English. Background and skills of the candidate must be confirmed by publications in refereed journals.

Specific Requirements

Additionally, please send the following documents as single pdf file (max. 15 MB) to: paulina.kazimierczak@umlub.pl to August 1, 2022: CV; A brief motivation letter outlining why you are interested in the position, your previous research projects, and your career goals; A short (300 words) description of your PhD project and its outcome; Complete list of articles published in JCR journals (with indicated IF according to the year of publication); Copy of 3-5 most important articles related to engineering of biomaterials and cell-biomaterial interactions.

Contact Information

Organisation/Company: Medical University of Lublin

Department: Medicine

Organisation Type: Higher Education Institute

Website: https:// www. umlub.pl

E-Mail: paulina.kazimierczak@umlub.pl dziekanat.biomedyczny@umlub.pl

Country: Poland

City: Lublin

State/Province: -

Postal Code: 20-059

Street: Al.Racławickie 1