



赫尔辛基大学(芬兰文:Helsingin yliopisto;瑞典文:Helsingfors universitet;英文:University of Helsinki),简称UH,是位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基的一所大学,全球大学高研院联盟、同一个欧洲大学联盟、国际大学气候联盟、欧洲研究型大学联盟成员。在校生人数约有40000人,包括近5500名博士研究生。赫尔辛基大学下辖农业与林业学院、艺术学院、行为科学学院、生物科学学院、法学院、医学院、药学院、科学学院、社会科学学院、瑞典社会科学学院、神学院、兽医学院等十二个学院。

Postdoctoral Researcher in Virus-host Interactions

University of Helsinki - Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Helsinki, Finland

The research group of Dr. Tero Ahola, studying RNA virus replication and antivirals, in the Department of Microbiology, University of Helsinki, is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to study virus - host cell interactions in alphaviruses.

Viruses with RNA genomes cause most of the emerging and re-emerging infectious disease epidemics. Alphaviruses are mosquito-borne viruses causing febrile disease, found both in tropical and temperate regions. The project aims to establish a comprehensive view of host interaction during alphavirus replication by identifying host proteins that assist in virus replication. We aim to understand the specific actions that each host factor performs during virus replication. The proteins could assist e.g. in the modification of host cell membranes, as viruses rearrange the membranes to create protective replication vesicles. The host proteins important for virus replication are attractive new targets for antiviral drugs. The starting point of the project is a large proteomics dataset, so the project can be tailored together with the successful applicant based on their interest and prior experience. The work could include detailed virological, cell biological, or biochemical/structural characterization of the selected protein(s). We are supported by top-level local core facilities in proteomics, as well as light and electron microscopy and sequencing. The project entails collaboration with other teams and universities.


You are ambitious, goal-oriented, collegial and motivated to tackle challenging new projects;

Have a PhD degree in (or in final stages to submit) in molecular or cell biology, biochemistry or virology;

Commitment to scientific excellence as demonstrated by a publication record;

Prior laboratory experience in working with mammalian cell cultures is essential;

High interest in learning and adapting new skillsets, and readiness to work with diverse teams;

Excellent command of English (working language, oral presentations, writing skills);

Strong communication, interpersonal, organizational and time management skills;

Readiness to apply for national and international funding schemes.
